Blundering Toward Mass Psychopathy

I don’t like authoritarians.  I think they’re unwell.  I also think that the outcomes, for most people, of a predominantly authoritarian society are extremely poor.  So, it was with despair and alarm that I read the analysis contained in this link:

The article, which I believe is, in fact, the introduction abstracted from a whole book on the matter, makes its points with such accuracy, lucidity, truth and honesty, that I found it excessively difficult to read on.

The article’s thesis is that we are being deluged by lawmakers and corporations that are leading us toward an undemocratic, authoritarian life.  We increasingly, as a society, prey upon the weak and the vulnerable.  We blame the victims.  We consign whole sectors of society to disposability, based on their ethnicity, immigration status, skin colour, age or economic misfortune.  There are some elites calling the shots, who have bought and paid for the entire project to hoover up the world’s wealth and call it their own, while saying screw the rest of us.  We are increasingly dancing to the tune of the corporate-military-industrial-national security complex.  We’ve succumbed to a brutal, cruel, uncaring, selfish, merciless regime of governance.

Now, this is not a new phenomenon.  Adolf Hitler’s project had the same hallmarks.  So did Napoleon’s and Alexander the Great, not to mention the Mongol hordes, the Plantagenet dynasty, the Crusades and any number of empire building projects of previous centuries.  In each case, the weak and the vulnerable, the innocent and peaceful, were crushed under the wheels of a conquering machine, in the name of selfish enrichment and the accumulation of power and wealth.

What nobody has ever done, to my knowledge, is analysed whether or not all of this was sane and hence, whether the present course of events is sane either.

Last night, on one of the channels on my television, it was “Psychopath Night”

The show presented a series of investigations into and portraits of psychopathic people and their telltale characteristics.  Some argued that we need psychopaths, because they “bravely” rescue people under certain circumstances, but this apology for their generally highly antisocial behaviour neglected the fact that a psychopath doesn’t do anything for other people’s benefit.  They only appear to be the brave hero, if it means they gain something, usually material, for having done so.

What you begin to see when you juxtapose the article on Neoliberalism’s war on democracy with the telltale characteristics of the psychopath is that the leaders of Neoliberal policy and thought are, in fact, acting psychopathically.  Let’s call it out for what it is.  These people are not sane.  They’re dangerous and have diseased minds.  They want everything for themselves and don’t care who they crush to get it.  The weaker the victims, the easier it is to take what’s theirs.

Worse than that, though is the fact that the Neoliberal project is actually a means of turning us all into psychopaths.  At every confrontation with this authoritarian skein of thought, each of us must react.  We can either save our own skin or stand up to it.  Our choice is that we can either comply with or resist this sweeping, epidemic contagion of psychopathy coming from the authoritarian top.  We either help the psychopaths get what they want, which is, in the final analysis, total domination and ownership of everything and everyone, or we hinder their progress.

Unfortunately, as in all previous centuries, there are legions of willing accomplices, who imagine themselves as James bloody Bonds or Gordon frickin’ Gekkos that are only too willing to chime in and support the psychopathic project.  They want a piece of the action and they’re prepared to act psychopathically too, because they have been authorised to do so.  They’re only following authoritarian orders, after all.  They’re complying with the authorities.  They don’t need to heed their personal consciences, ethics, morals or empathy for other human beings.  That can all be suspended, because they have license to act like unconstrained psychopaths, just like their heroes.

In other words, the authoritarian, neoliberal, political project, which appears to be in the ascendency in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and to a large extent in the European Union, is actually a means of unleashing and spreading universal psychopathic behaviour.  Every last man, woman and child gets to stab (metaphorically or physically) any opponent or obstructer, for personal profit.  Is that really what we want?  Is it even what a majority of people really want?  Would we want it if we had the ability to think through the consequences, even personal consequences, of following such a path?  Sadly, people have become not so much stupid as authentically lacking the ability to think clearly and critically.  This has been by design, of course.  Authoritarians like it this way.  It preserves their project.

However, think of the gut wrenching remorse and heart breaking regret suffered by the German people after the Second World War, when they seemingly snapped out of their collective psychopathic states.  Or perhaps there was no genuine remorse.  Who can say?

Only the artists and academics can save us.  Only the people still capable of critical analysis and thought, of imagining better alternatives, of articulating different, innovative choices and the problematic nature of widespread psychopathic behaviour, who can see things for what they are and see things differently to the authoritarian thought leaders, can guide the rest to an awakening and an awareness of the horrendous project many are blindly, blunderingly signing up to propagate.

The authoritarians, for their part, will do everything they can to shut them up.

Under authoritarianism, “everything they can” becomes “anything they want”.

What choice will you make?


About tropicaltheartist

You can find out more about me here: There aren’t many people that exist in that conjunction of art, design, science and engineering, but this is where I live. I am an artist, a musician, a designer, a creator, a scientist, a technologist, an innovator and an engineer and I have a genuine, deep passion for each field. Most importantly, I am able to see the connections and similarities between each field of intellectual endeavour and apply the lessons I learn in one discipline to my other disciplines. To me, they are all part of the same continuum of creativity. I write about what I know, through my blogs, in the hope that something I write will resonate with a reader and help them enjoy their own creative life more fully. I am, in summary, a highly creative individual, but with the ability to get things done efficiently. Not all of these skills are valued by the world at large, but I am who I am and this is me. The opinions stated here are my own and not necessarily the opinion or position of my employer.
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10 Responses to Blundering Toward Mass Psychopathy

  1. Neville says:

    There is another component here. It involves the way that everyone with a steady job on a low-to-average level wage is blackmailed into investing in this system via their pension. This is where the “banality of evil” comes into play. We are all afraid for our future and due to the atomisation of society we can all see what happens to the isolated elderly.
    Therefore everybody – be they “Gordon Gecko” or “Gordon Smith” in your mirror, is passively supporting the huge funds, banks and companies that rape the earth, rig the markets and funnel the world’s wealth upwards.
    The price for not doing so – or not doing so enough – is to be, in a few decades, another person who can’t remember their own name, sitting in the cold in their own filth for hours longer than the others down the road who “put a bit more by” in the good times.

  2. ksfinblog says:

    the psychopaths have always existed in the society……… they by themselves are not as dangerous as those who acquire followers …………. turning into cult…… when the bankers and the traders join this cult then that society is rapidly ascending towards its doomsday….

    • I’d like to think that enough people can be alerted to what’s happening by default and turn the tide, instead of stumbling blindly toward a terrible future.

      Thank you for commenting.

  3. Pingback: Blundering Toward Mass Psychopathy « The Australian Independent Media Network

    • Thank you for reposting it.

      • dale bordelon says:

        We may be wasting our time trying to identify psychopaths that are considered high functioning, non violent, and highly successful. These individuals represent the more balanced, intelligent and sophisticated end of the psychopathic spectrum which would make them nearly impossible to expose.
        On an intellectual level it would be easier to identify the political, monetary, and social institutions, that reflect a psychopathic personality. However these institutions use marketing techniques designed to conrol and domesticate others by creating the emotional illusion that, “They Care,” which by nature they are incapable of. My father warned me, “never play another man’s game,” as he will never offer a game he can’t win. Looking at history to the present day it appears that the human experience has been broadly defined by the influence of a psychopathic mind set. Coming to terms with that possiblity may allow us to evolve beyond the survival mode of preditor and prey by peacefully declining to play their games My understanding of this has allowed me to consider a greater number of alternatives lifestyle choices that appeared radical before I connected the dots but completely sane now.

      • That’s a very interesting insight. Thank you for commenting.

  4. That Crazed Alien penguin says:

    Reblogged this on Alien Penguin's Angry Feet.

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